

# 222. Platitudes and Hostilities *Fuck me, I feel like I'm about to drop dead…* Xu Qi'an's current state was akin to staying up for 72 hours and then being forced to run a thousand metres. His heart pounded violently, teetering on the edge of overloading. Fortunately, his solid foundation in the Refining Vitality stage granted his body great resilience and endurance. If it were his past self, he would've been lining up at the funeral home—or rather, he would've gone smiling to the afterlife around the fourth or fifth day of overexerting himself. *At least I've earned their respect and can now communicate properly… The most annoying thing is non-violent non-cooperation. Wouldn't it be better if everyone was a bit more gentle, sat down for some tea, and chatted?* Xu Qi'an thought to himself, outwardly maintaining a calm demeanor as he spoke loudly: "General Xu, do you know what case Commander Yang Chuannan has gotten involved in?" Xu Huchen nodded, his voice deep, "This matter has already spread throughout the Yunzhou officialdom, but the Commander is innocent." "Innocent or not, it's not up to you to say. It's not even up to the Inspector General to say—we need to investigate to find out." Xu Qi'an patiently explained, “The Inspector has come specifically for this case. We do have some very incriminating evidence against Lord Yang, but the Inspector has not acted rashly. He has gone to the Military Command to verify the evidence. “By bring three thousand troops to the city gates without any regard, lord Xu, is pushing Lord Yang into a dead end.” Xu Huchen snorted, “Don't try to pin a label on me. Last night, we received a secret report that the Inspector led a team to forcibly attack the Commander's residence. Lord Yang was gravely injured by a Gold Gong, leaving him on the brink of death. "Even if Lord Yang is guilty, he should face a trial by the three judicial offices. You break into his residence instead of following legal procedures—aren't you just trying to force a confession?" *You don't understand—this is called rapid deployment, not giving the opponent time to react... If Yang Chuannan is indeed the mastermind, he would have already rebelled by now*. "The Inspector has his own methods. I know you're not afraid to die, but I must remind you, General Xu, if you wish to intervene, you certainly may, but do not act impulsively. Three thousand troops cannot overthrow Baidi City, let alone Yunzhou." After Xu Qi'an finished speaking, he saw Xu Huchen glaring at him, seemingly enraged by his words. He calmly added, "But think about Lord Yang—he's still safe at the courier station, with no conclusive evidence against him. Are you going to prematurely judge him, General Xu?" Xu Huchen frowned, indeed showing some hesitation, unlike his earlier impulsive and violent stance. "See, the case hasn't even been clarified yet, and you're already like this, General Xu. When the Inspector reports to the court, saying Yang Chuannan is holding troops and threatening with force… At that time, it won't just be the Inspector coming." After the threat, Xu Qi'an then reassured him, "General Li is a close friend of the Commander. If you don't trust my words, you surely trust hers." Seeing both sides turning their gazes toward her, Li Miaozhen pondered for a moment before saying, "The current situation indeed puts the Commander at a disadvantage, but using military force is not the right way. General Xu, don't act impulsively. Give the Inspector some time." Yang Chuannan was her comrade, and naturally, Li Miaozhen's heart was with him. However, resolving problems required proper methods. If military interventions could work, Li Miaozhen would have tried it long ago. But the problem was that it wouldn't work. The Military Command could only mobilise the "City Garrison Command" under Baidi City. Although the garrisons in the rest of Yunzhou were nominally under the Military Command commission, the latter did not have the authority to give orders to the former. During wartime, the court would appoint generals temporarily. Due to these limitations, Li Miaozhen's Flying Swallow Army came into being. With only three to five thousand troops from the "City Garrison Command," they couldn't shake the Inspector's authority and would only sacrifice themselves in vain. "Hmph! I can wait, but if Inspector Zhang cannot give me a satisfactory answer, even if I agree, the thousands of brothers under me won't." Xu Huchen relented somewhat. *Phew… settled!* Xu Qi'an sighed in relief. When dealing with such conflicts, one must not act impulsively but learn to smooth things over. Handling it like the other Nightwatchers would have made this situation troublesome. Detective Freeloader Xu instinctively resisted war, as it would result in many deaths. This issue did not necessarily need to be resolved through war. As for how to handle the aftermath, that would be the Inspector's problem. ... Meanwhile, at the Military Command headquarters. Having just finished reviewing the accounts, Inspector Zhang was still in a state of anger, slamming the table and scolding the officials, “Useless, all of you are useless. “Yang Chuannan deserves to die. Even if he's not the mastermind, his dereliction of duty is enough to exile him. "And you, too—the Military Command supplying military supplies to mountain bandits in such alarming amounts, and the entire Yunzhou officialdom is oblivious? You all deserve to die." After checking the accounts, they were shocked to find that nearly a quarter of the military supplies sent to Yunzhou by the Ministry of Industry each year had disappeared, including bows and crossbows, gunpowder, firearms, iron ore, and more. The officials bowed their heads, silently enduring Inspector Zhang's spittle, not daring to talk back. After venting, Inspector Zhang took a sip of tea, ready to continue his tirade when hurried footsteps approached from outside. A Bronze Gong barged in without announcing, shouting, "Inspector General Sir, the city garrison of Baidi City—General Xu Huchen has gathered three thousand troops outside the southern city gate, threatening to enter the city if you don't release the Commander." Entering the city was a euphemism; it meant attacking the city. Inspector Zhang stood up in shock, and the dozen or so officials present stirred in panic. "When did this happen? What's the current situation?" Inspector Zhang asked urgently. “That Xu Huchen said, he demanded that Sir go and see him within the hour, but the hour has passed…” the Bronze Gong finished, and seeing the officials’ faces all turn, hurriedly added: “Xu Qi’an and the roaming cavalry general Li Miaozhen went to negotiate, the current the current situation is unclear.” Hairs stood up on Inspector Zhang’s head. He didn’t realise that Yunzhou soldiers would be so hot-headed, and not listen to reason. At this moment, he was both angry, but also anxious to the extreme. Although Xu Qi’an excelled at case solving, Inspector Zhang knew that he was still wet behind the ears, having barely killed anyone, let alone trying to negotiate with an unreasonable army. "Who allowed him to go? Who allowed him to go?" Inspector Zhang slammed the table in anger. The Bronze Gong pouted, "Xu Qi'an insisted on stepping forward. The Silver Gongs' plan was to hold the city and wait for reinforcements. "Xu Qi'an said he would take responsibility." In all fairness, Xu Qi'an's approach was more stable and correct. The court typically handled mutinies by placating the troops first and then executing the leaders to set an example. Avoid using force whenever possible. However, Inspector Zhang knew that this situation was beyond Xu Qi'an's scope of expertise. "Master Song, immediately notify the Five Cities Troops, gather forces to the south gate. All government offices deploy personnel to maintain order in the city…." Inspector Zhang quickly made arrangements, demonstrating the qualities expected of an Inspector General despite the chaos. … "Hyah, hyah…" Inspector Zhang spurred his horse forward, nearly rattling his old bones apart. He didn't even dare to open his mouth to complain to Jiang Lyuzhong, fearing the cold wind would gush in, so he could only shout "Hyah" a few times. Originally, in Inspector Zhang's plan, Jiang Lyuzhong was supposed to head to the south gate first, as a Fourth Rank Gold Gong was best suited to hold the line. But Jiang Lyuzhong, as steady as a dog, refused to leave the Inspector's side, fearing that potential assassins might claim the Inspector's life, thus bringing honour to themselves by drawing first blood. Jiang Lyuzhong was also worried, but not about the Guard Commander's troops attacking the city; rather, he was concerned about the life of Xu Ningyan, that scoundrel. As a Gold Gong who had been to the battlefield, he knew well how troublesome and unreasonable the military could be. No matter Xu Qi'an's impressive presence in the capital or the fact that he had killed at the Ministry of Law’s gates. It was precisely because he was in the capital that the court officials were wary of him. But this was Yunzhou, a place plagued by bandits. Anyone who risked their necks, whether bandit or soldier, was not a pushover. The likelihood of drawing swords over a disagreement was very high. As they approached the south gate, Jiang Lyuzhong's ears twitched slightly. He listened intently for a moment and then, relieved, said, "Inspector, there's no need to rush. Slow down." Inspector Zhang didn't want to speak, treating Jiang Lyuzhong's words as wind in his ears, not responding. "The battle hasn't started," Jiang Lyuzhong said. Huh? Inspector Zhang was taken aback. He indeed slowed down, reining in his horse to a trot. "Really?" "Yes." Jiang Lyuzhong, being a high-ranking martial artist, would sense if there was a fierce battle outside the city. "It seems the situation is relatively stable," Inspector Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Xu Ningyan with newfound respect, "Did Xu Ningyan stabilise the situation?" Jiang Lyuzhong shook his head, "We'll find out when we get to the south gate." Half an incense stick later, they saw the outline of the city wall. Inspector Zhang squinted and saw that the city defense troops on the wall were on high alert, with soldiers ready at the ballistae and cannons. Inspector Zhang urged his horse forward, reining it in at the foot of the city wall. He lifted the hem of his official robe and hurriedly climbed the stairs. His crimson official robe symbolised his status, and no one dared to stop him. "Inspector, you're finally here." A square-faced, triangular-eyed Centurion felt a great weight lifted off his chest upon seeing Inspector Zhang, letting out a long sigh of relief. Inspector Zhang, who had been anxious on the way here, collected himself upon reaching the city wall. He adopted a stern expression, hiding all emotions behind a mask of authority. He stood on the city wall for a while before instructing, "Lower me down in a basket." The Centurion said, "We can open the city gate directly. Just now, that Bronze Gong and the Lady Flying Swallow went out through the gate." *Nonsense…* Inspector Zhang's mouth twitched, "If the Guard Commander's troops really intended to attack, the city gate would already be lost." The Centurion immediately bowed his head. "No need for the basket. I'll take the Inspector down," Jiang Lyuzhong said, placing a hand on Inspector Zhang's shoulder. The next moment, Inspector Zhang felt a blur in front of his eyes and found himself outside the city, just ten meters from Xu Qi'an and the others. Noticing Jiang Lyuzhong and Inspector Zhang's arrival, the group had mixed reactions. Li Miaozhen remained unchanged, while Xu Qi'an's tense expression relaxed slightly. Xu Huchen instantly tensed, his grip on his long spear tightening. The Inspector was not terrifying; it was the Gold Gong by his side that was. Inspector Zhang shouted, "Xu Huchen, dismount and speak." Xu Huchen frowned, gripping his long spear tighter. After a moment's consideration, he hung his spear on the saddle hook and walked towards Inspector Zhang with empty hands. "Inspector!" Xu Huchen cupped his fists. "You've got some nerve," Inspector Zhang sneered, "Even if I ordered Gold Gong Jiang to kill you on the spot, I could still subdue the three thousand soldiers behind you." Xu Huchen remained silent. "All this fuss, isn't it just to save Yang Chuannan? Let me ask you, if Yang Chuannan is guilty of a capital crime, will you still save him?" "Master Yang is innocent." "I'm asking you, save or not?" "Save!" Inspector Zhang laughed heartily, "You're a man of courage. I admire that. Yang Chuannan's case is still under investigation. If you trust in Master Yang's character, I promise you, if he's innocent, I will clear his name." After a pause, Inspector Zhang suddenly changed his tone, his words sharp and severe, "But leading troops without orders, besieging the city, is a capital offense!" Reluctantly, Xu Huchen cupped his fists, "I… acknowledge my guilt. As long as the Inspector clears Master Yang's name, I am at your disposal." "Very well, considering you haven't acted rashly, return your troops to camp, and I will overlook this incident," Inspector Zhang said magnanimously. "Since the Inspector has given his word, I trust you," Xu Huchen got the answer he wanted, turned, and nodded slightly at Xu Qi'an. Thanks to this Bronze Gong's mediation, the situation didn't escalate to an irreversible point. Xu Huchen came to make a scene because he wanted a result or a promise, fearing that the Inspector from the capital would falsely accuse the Commander for his own merit. Now, the Inspector had promised, and the case was still under investigation. The Commander had not been convicted. This result was already very good. Next, Inspector Zhang began to comfort the soldiers, displaying a respectful and humble attitude, which made Xu Huchen feel both flattered and grateful. Rough men are like this—they don't flinch on the battlefield, but when someone shows concern, they become grateful and lose their fierceness. Especially when someone as high-ranking as the Inspector shows such concern. In the end, everyone was satisfied. Xu Huchen had an answer for his soldiers, and Inspector Zhang resolved the military intervention without causing a commotion. … On the way back to the station, Inspector Zhang lavishly praised Xu Qi'an, "You truly understand human nature and know how to resolve conflicts. Ningyan, you've made another contribution." Xu Qi'an waved his hand, too exhausted to engage in conversation. Li Miaozhen did not follow them back to the station, instead leading her personal soldiers back to the military camp. Jiang Lyuzhong frowned and said, "Inspector, your stalling tactic will only work for a while." Inspector Zhang sneered, "I know. Gold Gong Jiang. Tonight, go to the Guard Commander's camp and invite Xu Huchen and the other leaders to the city, saying I have a secret matter to discuss regarding the case of the Commander." Xu Qi'an's heart sank. Inspector Zhang continued calmly, "Once they're out of the camp, kill them all, leave no one alive." "Inspector Sir…" Looking at the Inspector's sudden turn of face, Xu Qi'an felt as if he had swallowed a dead rat, finding it hard to describe his feelings. Inspector Zhang seemed not to hear and went on, "Without their leaders, the regular soldiers will be a disorganised rabble, easily pacified. Yang Chuannan's key supporters are the three to five thousand soldiers of the Guard Command. Eliminating this threat will make dealing with Yang Chuannan worry-free." "But this case clearly has other hidden aspects," Xu Qi'an said in a serious tone. "That's another matter. If the truth comes out, I'll clear Yang Chuannan's name. But Xu Huchen's rebellious intent is firm, and I must nip it in the bud," Inspector Zhang said softly, "I will summon troops from the various guard units in Yunzhou. This won't happen again." The Inspector had the authority to mobilise troops from the garrisons. After giving his instructions, Inspector Zhang glanced at Xu Qi'an and sneered, "Ningyan, kindness doesn't command troops. Whether in court or on the battlefield, hesitation leads to defeat. Soft-heartedness harms both oneself and others." *I understand the reasoning...* Xu Qi'an sighed silently. Having weathered many storms, Jiang Lyuzhong remained unfazed and asked, "Mobilising troops from various garrisons—Inspector, are you planning to use this incident to suppress Yunzhou's officialdom?" Inspector Zhang nodded slowly, "If Yang Chuannan isn't the mastermind, then the real culprit is in the city. Any official of fourth rank or above is suspect. I'm making preparations to prevent them from acting desperately." Upon returning to the station, they barely had time for a cup of tea before the Huben Guard on duty came in to report, "Inspector, Governor Song and several other officials request an audience." Inspector Zhang dismissed the bystanders and received the officials in the hall. They had come regarding Yang Chuannan's case. "Since the evidence is conclusive, we hope you will make a decision soon," Governor Song said. The Yunzhou Prefect and other officials echoed his sentiments. *Here comes the "pressure to decide"…* Xu Qi'an thought. *If the mastermind is among these officials, their haste to pressure the Inspector into a decision makes sense, especially after he has reviewed the evidence.* *But they're too hasty…* The garrison troops had just withdrawn, and they were already eager to pressure the Inspector into concluding the case. This didn't seem like the move of a seasoned schemer. It could only mean that Liang Youping had found no leads, making them anxious to push Yang Chuannan out as a scapegoat. *The more anxious they are, the more likely they are to reveal themselves… Once Jiang slaughters Xu Huchen and the other leaders, and troops from the guard units are mobilised, the Inspector will be secure and can take his time dealing with the mastermind. So, stalling for now is sufficient…* Xu Qi'an's thoughts raced. Sure enough, Inspector Zhang agreed to the officials' demands but claimed he needed to interrogate Yang Chuannan in private today and would hold a formal trial tomorrow. He just needed to get through today. After dismissing the officials, Inspector Zhang sipped his tea and sighed, "Our time is running short." Killing Xu Huchen would stabilise the Yang Chuannan line, while mobilising troops would secure the line against the real mastermind. Once the truth was revealed, the mastermind would undoubtedly resort to desperate measures. Xu Qi'an pondered, "After Gold Gong Jiang completes his task tonight, we can have someone disguise themselves as Liang Youping to lure the snake out of its nest." Just as he finished speaking, the Huben Guard on duty entered again and said, "Inspector, there's a group of armed guards outside claiming to be from the Fushun Escort Agency, requesting an audience." "Fushun Escort Agency?" Inspector Zhang frowned, having no impression of this agency.