

# 214. Xu Qi'an: I Didn't Do It In a room inside the station. "Yang Chuannan, you and the Qi Clique, led by the former Minister of Industry, colluded with the Church of the Warlock God, secretly supported mountain bandits, provided them with military supplies, and kept the bandits to enhance your own power. What is your ultimate intention?" Inspector Zhang, with a stern expression, harshly threw the ledger, hitting Yang Chuannan in the face. The ledger fell to the ground, pages fluttering open. Yang Chuannan glanced at it, his expression changing slightly. Jiang Lyuzhong bent down to pick up the ledger, glanced at Inspector Zhang without much expression, thinking that if Yang Chuannan had kicked it, the hard-found evidence might have been lost. Fortunately, he had severely injured Yang Chuannan earlier. With his heart meridians damaged, Yang Chuannan was no different from an ordinary person for a short time, perhaps even weaker. "If you want to condemn someone, you can always find a pretext," Yang Chuannan said coldly. He wore shackles and handcuffs, sitting on the bedside with a defeated aura. "Lord Yang, there's no need for such high-sounding words," said Xu Qi'an, the only person in the room with the status of a Bronze Gong. The Sitianjian Arcanists also had no rank, but they were different. "You found this ledger?" Yang Chuannan stared at him. On the second day the Inspector's team arrived in Yunzhou, Li Miaozhen had informed him that a Bronze Gong named Xu Qi'an was a key figure in this team. She even said that Yang Chuannan's fate was partly in the hands of this Bronze Gong. Yang Chuannan had taken Li Miaozhen's words to heart and did not underestimate this Bronze Gong named Xu Qi'an. But he never expected that before he could take any action, the young Bronze Gong had already sealed his fate. It was completely unexpected! "Yes, I did," Xu Qi'an nodded. "Impressive, impressive..." Yang Chuannan shook his head and laughed, "Indeed, heroes emerge from the youth. When Miaozhen told me about you, although I didn't underestimate you, I still ended up being careless." *No, it wasn't just you. I did too...* Inspector Zhang silently agreed in his heart. No one had expected Xu Qi'an to be this competent. Yang Chuannan examined Xu Qi'an, "Trying to reach Refining Spirit?" "Yep!" Xu Qi'an nodded, thinking that, after all, this Commander was more perceptive than Number Two, who had suspected him of being an overindulgent lecher. It seemed that no matter the time or place, dark circles were always misunderstood. Inspector Zhang and Jiang Lyuzhong stood with their hands behind their backs, not urging or interrupting, showing the utmost respect to Xu Qi'an. "Lord Yang, you are a member of the Qi Clique, correct?" After a few casual words, Xu Qi'an went straight to the point, taking over the interrogation from Inspector Zhang. Yang Chuannan nodded, "My father was from Qi, and during his time in the Ministry of War, he was supported by the then Vice Minister of War and joined the Qi Clique." Xu Qi'an looked blankly at Inspector Zhang. Inspector Zhang explained, "The Qi Clique is a faction composed of people from Qi. During Yang Chuannan's father's time, the Qi Clique controlled the Ministry of War. That was decades ago." Yang Chuannan continued, “My father was always a marginalised figure in the Qi Clique. When it came to my generation, it was the same. Until I was transferred to Yunzhou, where I slowly climbed to my current position over the past decade with repeated military achievements. "Indeed, the Qi Clique in the court played a role in my advancement, but I am not close to them. Apart from my annual reports in the capital, Yunzhou and the capital are thousands of miles apart. We only maintain some minor connections." Inspector Zhang nodded slightly. Yang Chuannan had climbed the ranks through military achievements, which made the charge of fostering bandits for personal gain credible and matched the Nightwatchers' evaluation of him. "But to say that I supplied military goods for the Qi Clique and colluded with the Church of the Warlock God is truly an injustice," Yang Chuannan shook his head, "I am already the Commander. Is there a higher position in Yunzhou than mine? If I weren't trying to do something for the people of Yunzhou, I would rather be transferred out of this cursed place." *These words sounded very noble and righteous, like an attempt to clear his name in those movies I watched in my previous life...* Xu Qi'an sneered inwardly. He didn't believe a word, only the evidence in hand. However, as a qualified interrogator, he knew how to guide the conversation. He followed up, "According to Lord Yang, is there more to this matter?" Yang Chuannan looked at Inspector Zhang, "Does the Inspector think that I am the only Qi Clique member in Yunzhou? If the Qi Clique colluded with the Church of the Warlock God and supplied military goods, is the mastermind necessarily me? "Is there only one Qi Clique member in the central military command?" Inspector Zhang shook his head, "Commander, this doesn't look good." This all sounded like Yang Chuannan's excuse, and it was indeed just that. Excuses without evidence, an attempt to shirk responsibility. And as the military commander, if the office were caught smuggling supplies to mountain bandits, who would be the one responsible? Naturally the highest ranked official in charge. This point was beyond doubt. "Lord Yang, you have a traitor among your ranks," Xu Qi'an also thought he was making excuses but refrained from jumping to conclusions. Yang Chuannan seemed to see through their distrust. After a pause, he said, "The Qi Clique indeed engaged in such activities, but it wasn't until Zhou Min's death that I began to piece together the entire picture. "Clearly, I am being used as a scapegoat by the Qi Clique. The real colluders with the Church of the Warlock God and supporters of the mountain bandits are others. I intended to secretly find and destroy the evidence to protect myself, but you were a step ahead." *A step ahead? I hadn't even left the fountain, and you were already pushing the high ground...* Xu Qi'an turned to look at the two white-robed arcanists. The three arcanists, who had mostly been bystanders for half a month, finally had a role to play. They had been using their qi-watching technique on Yang Chuannan. "He doesn't seem to be lying," one of the white-robed arcanists replied. "Seems?" Xu Qi'an stared at him, displeased. Being questioned by Master Xu made the arcanists anxious. They hurriedly explained, “We are sixth rank Masters of Feng-shui, and this Commander is fifth rank. In theory, our qi-watching technique should not fail. "However, this is not an absolute certainty. First, if Lord Yang has been diligently training his spirit and has a strong will, we wouldn't be able to detect his lies. For example, once you, Master Xu, reach the Refining Spirit stage, ordinary eighth rank arcanists wouldn't be able to see through you. It would require someone of the same rank or higher. "Second, there are artefacts that can block aura, but Lord Yang has already been searched and has no such artefacts. "Lastly, both the Church of the Warlock God and we arcanists have memory-altering spells. If Lord Yang had prepared in advance, then what he's saying now would indeed be true." "Memory alteration?" Xu Qi'an was shocked. This was the first time he had heard of memory alteration. "That's a spell mastered only by high-rank experts," the white-robed arcanists explained. Considering the vast gap between high-rank and low-rank experts in this world, Xu Qi'an understood. Low-rank experts were akin to mortals, while high-rank ones were comparable to gods and demons. The monk Shenshu within him was an example—sealed in Sangpo for five hundred years with severed limbs, yet still unextinguished. *Right, there's still Master Shenshu within me... I almost forgot about him...* Xu Qi'an mentally sighed. This monk, severely weakened after five hundred years of imprisonment, was recuperating by borrowing his body, having slept until now. *If it was memory alteration, then the case would be tough... Regular investigative methods wouldn't work... Only those of the same or higher cultivation could deal with this... I should have asked for Song Qing or the master of posturing to accompany us, instead of three mere Masters of Feng-shui...* Xu Qi'an frowned. Yang Chuannan stared at Xu Qi'an, “Sir Xu... With your skills, you deserve to be called Sir Xu by me. Whether I'm telling the truth or not, you might as well investigate. "Heh, this is a last-resort plan for me." *Using the enemy to defeat the enemy*... Xu Qi'an thought irritably. "Why should I help you? I could just take you back to the capital, and the matter would be over," Xu Qi'an sneered. "That works too!" Yang Chuannan closed his eyes. … Beginning that day, the courier station began a three-shift watch. Regardless of day or night, no one could leave nor enter the station without the permission of the inspector general. The Huben Guards were in high spirits because the main culprit had been apprehended, signaling that their return to the capital was near. The South truly was a dreadful place: cold and damp, with the wind chilling one to the bone during night watch. Although the northern cold was several times worse, those accustomed to northern life found the southern dampness unbearable. "Sir Xu is truly a remarkable person. How many days has he been in Yunzhou? Barely half a fortnight, and he has already cracked such a major case." "Heh, it's not surprising. We had heard of his fame back in the capital. The Sangpo case caused such a stir, and wasn't it also solved by him?" "Indeed, once we return to the capital, he will undoubtedly become a prominent figure again. We should get closer to him during our journey back, so he can be a pillar of support for us in the future." The Huben Guards were proud, chatting and praising Sir Xu's brilliance in solving cases while on duty. The more ambitious ones were already contemplating how to forge ties with Sir Xu while he was still a Bronze Gong. The stronger the bond now, the more valuable it would become as his status rose. No need for deep friendship; just ensuring he remembered their names would be enough. "Don't kid yourself. Someone like you, who likes to pocket small bribes, won't be favoured by Sir Xu. Let me tell you, Sir Xu detests evil. Back in the capital, he nearly beheaded a superior who was bullying women." "Bah, and you think Sir Xu would favour someone like you, who frequents brothels?" As they chatted, they suddenly noticed a figure at the station's entrance. "Who's there?" The on-duty Tiger Guard gripped his sword and shouted sternly. At the entrance stood Li Miaozhen, wearing soft armour and a high ponytail. Her beautiful, oval face was stern, and the cold wind fluttered her ponytail, giving her a heroic aura. "Li Miaozhen, General of the light cavalry, requests an audience with the Inspector," Li Miaozhen called out loudly. "Let her in," came Jiang Lyuzhong's deep voice. The Tiger Guards stepped aside, and Li Miaozhen nodded slightly before stepping into the courtyard. After a few steps, she turned back and said, "Why are you dawdling? Keep up." A few seconds later, an extraordinarily beautiful woman reluctantly walked over, moving hesitantly. "Master, this place is full of detestable warriors. Their strong life force is burning me all over." In the military camp, Susu mostly stayed inside Li Miaozhen's tent, rarely going out. While the camp was tolerable, the station felt like a volcano to her. The vigorous life force of a fourth rank martial artist was too much for spirits to bear. Li Miaozhen pulled out a talisman, flicked her finger, and stuck it on Susu's chest. She immediately cheered up, bouncing into the courtyard, no longer afraid of the overwhelming life force. "Master, let me tell you, two nightwatchers here are quite infatuated with me," she chirped. Crossing the courtyard and entering the hall, Li Miaozhen saw Inspector Zhang, Jiang Lyuzhong, and Xu Qi'an. The other Nightwatchers were not in the hall. Li Miaozhen stood straight in the hall, clasping her fists. "Inspector, do you have evidence for arresting Commander Yang Chuannan?" "Are you referring to this?" Jiang Lyuzhong raised the account book in his hand. "Conclusive evidence," Inspector Zhang said warmly, smiling. Li Miaozhen immediately looked at Xu Qi'an, her expression complex, and asked, "Did you do this?" Other than Xu Qi'an, who else could have found the time to investigate while the rest, including Jiang Lyuzhong, were busy inspecting the local situation? This was not what Li Miaozhen had expected. She had come to test the waters. If Inspector Zhang had arrested Yang Chuannan without evidence, she planned to use the military to pressure him into releasing Yang Chuannan. However, if the evidence was real, rescuing Yang Chuannan would be incredibly difficult. "I didn’t do it," Xu Qi'an shook his head, then added, "but I found it."