

# 212. The Return *Niceee…* Xu Qi'an felt refreshed as he went upstairs, leaving his two colleagues some time to reflect in peace. "I should be under the carriage, not inside it, watching how sweet you two are... Kukuku, hahaha!" He laughed wildly while going upstairs. "You bastard, Xu Ningyan!" Behind him came the angry roars of Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao, filled with shame and indignation. In the following days, Xu Qi'an experienced the aftermath of their little boat of friendship overturning. Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao gave him the cold shoulder, treating him as if he were invisible. When Xu Qi'an tried to engage them in conversation, they acted as if they didn’t hear him and continued with their tasks. *Are they embarrassed and too ashamed to talk to me, or are they blaming me? It must be the former…* Xu Qi'an thought. So, during lunch, Xu Qi'an proactively started, "I’ve already forgotten about what happened in the teahouse. I won’t laugh at you anymore." "What?" Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao were enraged. *Lady Susu toyed with our emotions, and you toyed with our friendship. Who’s the real victim here?* “You two lost control and fell for that demon’s illusion. How’s that my fault?" Xu Qi'an looked at them indignantly, "Why should I have revealed it to you? Do you think if I had exposed it right then, you wouldn’t have jumped off a building? See, if it weren’t for Lady Flying Swallow, this would’ve been covered up nicely. "No one would be embarrassed. Guangxiao wouldn’t know that Tingfeng used his little brother to bang against a pillar for a quarter of an hour, and Tingfeng, you wouldn’t know about Guangxiao’s impressive waist strength while propping up the table." "Stop, stop..." Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao covered their faces. In fact, if he had exposed it at the time, Old Song and Old Zhu would’ve been embarrassed for a while, but not to the point of feeling so ashamed that they wished to disappear from the world. Every time they remembered the things they said and the feelings they showed in front of Xu Ningyan—things like "I won’t marry anyone but her," or "It’ll be a lifelong regret"—Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao felt like committing seppuku to escape this dark world. Song Tingfeng turned his face away, sneering, "I don't have a friend like you. From that day on, we're through." Zhu Guangxiao said in a deep voice, "Me too." "Don't be like that. The bond between the three of us can’t be shaken by a mere female ghost." Seeing their cold faces, Xu Qi'an, looking pained, said, "At worst, I’ll treat you to the Jiaofangsi when we get back to the capital." Song Tingfeng scoffed, "You think you can buy us off with a mere Jiaofangsi?" Xu Qi'an said seriously, "Twice." Song Tingfeng snorted, "Get lost. Don’t talk to me." Xu Qi'an, with a twang in his heart said, "Three times." Song Tingfeng: "Heh." Xu Qi'an gritted his teeth, "Five times!" Song Tingfeng clutched his sleeve tightly, "Then you better write a contract." After three days of the friendship boat being overturned, it finally got back on track. Brothers couldn’t really fall out over such a minor conflict. Treating them to the Jiaofangsi was just a way to give everyone an out; the main reason was that their friendship was genuine... as Song Tingfeng said. Xu Qi'an wholeheartedly agreed and said, "Then let’s forget about the Jiaofangsi." Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao said in unison, "Cut off our ties!" As they spoke, they waved the written note in their hands. "And one more thing..." Zhu Guangxiao glanced at him, "You can’t tell anyone about Susu... that female ghost. Not a word to anyone." "And you can’t use it to make fun of us," Song Tingfeng added. "No problem. I absolutely, absolutely won’t… hehe..." Xu Qi'an quickly turned his head, covering his face. After a few seconds, he turned back, "Absolutely won’t make fun of you." "Why were you laughing just now?" "I wasn’t laughing." "You were." "I really wasn’t. I’ve undergone strict training. No matter how funny it is, I won’t laugh." … The military encampment, just ouside Baidi City. Inside a military tent, Li Miaozhen listened to Susu's report: “Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao spend most of their time at the courier station. Occasionally, when they get tired of the food there, they go out to find a restaurant. “They usually go together. Xu Qi'an doesn't join them; he acts alone. Every time he goes out, he heads to the Goulan. “He almost always spends an hour at the Goulan each day before returning to the station. During this period, he hasn't visited any government offices or investigated Zhou Min's case. "Hmm, Zhou Min's grave shows signs of having been disturbed. Based on the timing, it appears it happened on the day the Inspector's team arrived in Baidi City…." For the past few days, Susu had been acting as a lookout, monitoring every movement at the station. Whenever Xu Qi'an and his group left, she would secretly follow them. Martial artists cannot sense Yin energy, nor can they see ghosts. As long as she kept a proper distance, Susu wouldn't be detected. "Any other abnormalities?" Li Miaozhen asked. *Abnormalities? That Xu Qi'an picking up silver every day—does that count as abnormal...* Susu muttered inwardly. However, she knew Li Miaozhen was asking about Zhou Min-related incidents, so she shook her head: "No, they seem to be waiting for the Inspector to return before investigating Zhou Min's case." The matter of Wei Yuan impeaching Yang Chuannan, the Governor-General of Yunzhou, had long been communicated by the Qi clique. Everyone in the Yunzhou officialdom knew why the Inspector's team had come. Li Miaozhen uncorked a porcelain bottle and summoned a ghostly scholar, a tall and thin middle-aged man. "I'll speak, you write." "Yes, Master." With the information Li Miaozhen had obtained through the internal network of the Heaven and Earth Society, she believed she had a clear understanding of Xu Qi'an. He was known for being very skilled at solving cases and had a wealth of experience. If he had any clues or a clear direction, he certainly wouldn't be dawdling at the post station for so many days. After all, the longer the case drags on, the fewer clues remain. This meant Xu Qi'an was also at a loss. Before long, a letter was written. Li Miaozhen handed it to Susu: "Take this letter to Yang Chuannan." "Got it!" Susu took the letter and sashayed out of the tent. She paused in front of the thick curtain, turned back with a pitiful expression: (?????) "If you have something to say, just say it." Li Miaozhen said impatiently. "Aren't you going to avenge me? That stinky boy humiliated me." Susu complained indignantly. "He just locked you up for a day." Li Miaozhen waved her hand, refusing her ghostly subordinate's request. Women are petty, and the prettier they are, the pettier they become. This was something Li Miaozhen could never understand. She preferred the life of drinking heavily, eating heartily, leading soldiers to suppress bandits, and seeking quick revenge. To put it bluntly, she had the mentality of a straightforward man. "Hmph." Susu stormed off in a huff. … The largest restaurant in Qingping County, around Baidi City. Today, the restaurant was reserved for a private event. As the final stop of the inspection tour, a lavish lunch was prepared. After lunch, Inspector General Zhang, Yang Chuannan, and Song Changfu, along with more than a dozen high-ranking officials from Yunzhou, gathered in a private room to share their thoughts on the inspection tour. Inspector Zhang seized the opportunity to unleash his fury, berating the officials for being ineffectual and allowing the banditry to flourish, resulting in an increase in refugees and a decline in the people’s livelihood in Yunzhou. "Inspector's words make me feel deeply ashamed," said Administrator Song with a look of remorse. "According to confidential reports, the banditry in Yunzhou is being secretly supported, with military supplies being smuggled in," Inspector Zhang said pointedly. "Some people, while receiving the Emperor's stipend, are engaged in treasonous activities." The officials subtly glanced at Yang Chuannan, the silent Military Commander, without speaking up for him. Instead, they each expressed their support for Inspector Zhang’s thorough investigation. Yang Chuannan remained impassive, sitting like a mountain, allowing the officials to speak their veiled accusations. The trend of isolating and suppressing Yang Chuannan within the Yunzhou officialdom had taken root during the inspection. At this moment, a general knocked and entered. He was one of Yang Chuannan’s trusted aides. He coldly scanned the officials, handed a confidential letter to Yang Chuannan, and then turned and left. Yang Chuannan read the letter, and a smile broke out on his previously stern face. He put away the letter and said with a cheerful tone, "I also support the Inspector. We must investigate thoroughly and show no leniency. With the Inspector's capable subordinates, I believe the truth will come to light quickly." Inspector Zhang frowned, his gaze falling on the letter in Yang Chuannan's hand. The other officials also speculated about the contents of the letter, wondering what had suddenly bolstered Yang Chuannan’s confidence. On the way back to Baidi City, Inspector Zhang lifted the curtain of his carriage and coughed loudly. Up ahead, Jiang Lyuzhong turned and slowed his horse to match the carriage's pace. "I have a bad feeling..." Inspector Zhang said, looking at the Gold Gong who had contributed little to the investigation. "Is it because Yang Chuannan suddenly seems emboldened?" Jiang Lyuzhong nodded in understanding. Inspector Zhang nodded. This inspection was a prelude and a test to isolate the Yunzhou officialdom in preparation for arresting Yang Chuannan. If the officials were united, he would need to plan carefully. If not, he would isolate Yang Chuannan and gain the support of the officials. Inspector Zhang was confident in this plan because, during the initial banquet upon arriving in Yunzhou, Song had subtly hinted at certain information. Everything had gone smoothly. With Song's cooperation, Inspector Zhang signaled their intention to target Yang Chuannan, forcing the officials to choose sides. But after receiving that letter, Yang Chuannan seemed suddenly confident, even joking with him. *What backing does he have now…* Inspector Zhang rubbed his temples. "No matter what, Inspector, as long as you handle the official matters, I will take care of the military side, and Xu Qi'an will handle the investigation," Jiang Lyuzhong reassured, holding the reins. Inspector Zhang nodded thoughtfully. "We can only hope that Ningyan cracks the case soon and finds the evidence Zhou Min left behind." "That cryptic message from Zhou Min is maddening," Jiang Lyuzhong cursed. Inspector Zhang's mood darkened further. The group arrived back in Baidi City before dusk. In the golden sunset, Inspector Zhang led his entourage towards the post station. Curfew had just started, clearing the streets. However, unlike in the capital, the curfew did not apply to the highest-ranking official in Yunzhou. The station staff had been notified of Inspector Zhang's return and were bustling to prepare dinner. The carriages stopped at the post station entrance. Inspector Zhang stepped down onto the wooden stool placed by his attendants, greeted by the waiting Bronze Gongs, including Xu Qi'an and his group. Inspector Zhang, still troubled by Yang Chuannan’s reaction, was startled when he saw Xu Qi'an: "What happened to you?" Xu Qi'an's eyes were bloodshot, with dark circles so pronounced they appeared almost swollen. He looked as if he could collapse at any moment. Jiang Lyuzhong strode over, examining Xu Qi'an closely: "How many days?" "Fifteen days," Xu Qi'an replied, frustrated. "...," Jiang Lyuzhong gasped. "How are you holding up?" "Just barely, I might drop dead any moment," Xu Qi'an joked. *That means he's not at his limit yet. This kid's mental resilience is impressive. Once he advances to the Refining Spirit realm, his mental strength will skyrocket.* After their brief reunion, Inspector Zhang couldn't help but ask, "Ningyan, any progress on Zhou Min's code?" "I've got the ledger," Xu Qi'an said calmly. Inspector Zhang remained composed, nodding. "Don't lose heart. We'll crack the code eventually…" He suddenly paused, staring silently at Xu Qi'an.