

# 205. Echoes of the Inscription *Not even two months?* The Gold Gongs exchanged silent glances, trying to decipher the deeper meaning behind this phrase – not even two months! Clearly, this implied some sort of time limit or significant time span. However, what exactly "not even two months" represented was the crucial question. The Gold Gongs gestured to one another with their eyes, urging someone else to ask, but they all knew that Duke Wei was currently furious, and no one dared to provoke him. If it were indeed something terrible, wouldn't that just give Duke Wei a channel to vent his anger? A transfer order to the border would be quite comfortable then… Wei Yuan recalled his own martial arts cultivation years. Even though he was once hailed by the Jianzheng as the most promising talent of five hundred years, with the greatest hope of reaching first rank, it still took him three and a half months to leap from the Refining Qi stage to the Refining Spirit stage. Xu Qi'an accomplishing this feat in less than two months meant his talent was even greater than Wei Yuan had anticipated. Wei Yuan had previously admired Xu Qi'an for his character. Character is also a form of talent. As for Xu Qi'an's cultivation speed, Wei Yuan had already looked at him with new eyes upon hearing that he had filled his middle *dantian* with qi. He had thought that by late spring next year, this kid would probably be able to advance to the Refining Spirit stage – five months to advance a rank, which was the level of a Gold Gong. Combined with his naturally suitable heart for the martial path, he might become the second Zhenbei King – a third-rank martial artist. Who would have thought that Xu Qi'an's talent was even more powerful than he had predicted. Most importantly, Xu Qi'an unknowingly accomplished something astonishing: Double visualisation in the Refining Qi stage. The Buddhist Lion's Roar was a supreme skill, but it required a visualisation technique as a supplement. This visualisation was far inferior to a true visualisation technique, as the Golden Lion’s Roar diagram was only an auxiliary to the "Lion's Roar" skill. It was merely a part, but not the central point of it. Even so, Xu Qi'an's ability to perform dual visualisation in the Refining Qi stage was still astonishing. The well-read and knowledgeable Wei Yuan quickly thought of three possibilities: One: Dual souls in one body. In the Western Buddhist nations, there were many records of great monks who, after passing away, would revive in the body of a child, not only retaining complete memories but also being naturally proficient in Buddhism. This was because the monk's remnant soul merged with the newly born child. Such a primordial spirit was inherently stronger than ordinary people, capable of dual visualisation at an early stage, due to their soul being far stronger than average. Two: A person with great fortune. Such people were extremely rare, but those with great fortune were always formidable figures, such as the Sect leader of the Daoist sects, the Jianzheng of the Sitianjian, and the Warlock God of the church that bears his name. Three: Blessings from a high-ranking elder. There was more nothing to be said about that; he would be set apart from ordinary people to begin with. "Ahem…" Nangong Qianrou cleared his throat. He had been pushed forward by the other Gold Gongs as their representative. With Yang Yan absent, only Duke Wei's adopted son was present, and it was assumed Duke Wei wouldn't send his own son to the border. "Father, is there anything you need me to do?" Nangong Qianrou asked, bracing himself. Wei Yuan glanced at him, closed the letter, poured himself a cup of tea, and said leisurely, "It's nothing, just a small matter." *A small matter? You almost couldn't control your expression just now…* The Gold Gongs internally retorted. Then, they noticed a change in Wei Yuan's demeanor. Although he maintained his calm appearance, it had shifted from the calm before the storm to a gentle breeze and warm sunshine. *It seemed the letter contained good news…* What exactly did it say? Nangong Qianrou curiously asked, "Father, what does the letter say?" Wei Yuan smiled sincerely, "Xu Qi'an is advancing to the Refining Spirit stage. The letter is from Jiang Lyuzhong, sent from the border of Yunzhou. By now, he should have successfully advanced to the Refining Spirit stage." Wei Yuan did not disclose the double visualisation matter. *Impossible…* Nangong Qianrou almost shouted. When Xu Qi'an had just joined the Nightwatchers and passed the Conscience Test, he had caught his father's attention. At that time, both he and Yang Yan were present. It could be said that Nangong Qianrou had watched Xu Qi'an grow, knowing his roots the best. When this person became a Nightwatcher, he was still at the peak of the Refining Vitality stage, a weak existence that Nangong Qianrou felt he could blow away with a breath. Although his father had mentioned that this person had great potential, which Nangong Qianrou acknowledged, he still found it hard to accept. Less than two months, and a ninth-rank Refining Vitality stage had become a seventh-rank Refining Spirit stage. This had already reached the minimum standard for a Silver Gong. *If Yang Yan were here, his mouth would probably split open with joy…* Nangong Qianrou thought sourly. Similarly, Zhang Kaitai, who had been refining his sword intent, also felt sour. He had once thought of recruiting Xu Qi'an, with plans all set – money and seduction. But, constrained by his dignity as a Gold Gong, he hadn't dared to implement them. *Is Xu Qi’an really this exceptional? Given time, our constabulary might gain another Gold Gong.* *Fortunately, he didn't fall during the incident with that Zhu.* The Gold Gongs present couldn't hide their delight amidst their shock. If the Nightwatchers' constabulary produced another fourth-rank martial artist, their overall influence and strength would reach a new level. High-ranking martial artists were rare, and those cultivated within one's own faction were even rarer. Aside from Nangong Qianrou, who was feeling sour, the other Gold Gongs were mostly filled with sighs and emotions. This was the benefit of having a good character. A person with a stronger moral baseline than most Nightwatchers becoming a high-ranking martial artist was more acceptable to people. If a sinister person were to advance to a high rank, they would instinctively be wary. But with Xu Qi'an, there was no need for such caution. He was willing to cut down a superior for the sake of an unrelated girl, which, from another perspective, was actually protecting his own moral baseline. *If this continues, Father might take him as an adopted son… Yang Yan is a silent type and won't compete with me for favour, but that sly Xu Qi'an…* Nangong Qianrou thought sourly. Wei Yuan glanced at the water clock in the corner, waved his hand, and said, "Dismissed. I don't want to see a similar mistake again. Qianrou, prepare the carriage and accompany me to the palace." In half an hour, there would be a small court meeting. Emperor Yuanjing did not hold early morning court sessions as it conflicted with his meditation time. He only held small court meetings occasionally, but not frequently. The last small court meeting was four days ago. ... The carriage wheels rolled over the stone slab-paved street. Nangong Qianrou pulled the reins hard, and the carriage stopped at the gate of the palace. He took down the small stool hanging under the carriage board and helped Wei Yuan off the carriage. Nangong Qianrou handed the reins to the Jinwu Guards at the gate and followed the figure in the great blue robe. In the imperial study, Emperor Yuanjing, whose hair was blackening again, sat on the gilded chair, glanced at his ministers, and said in an emotionless voice: “We have had the cabinet transcribe the letter from the Yuzhou Government for each and every one of my lords, we would like to know your thoughts.” The Minister of Revenue stepped forward first and said loudly, "Your Majesty, I believe this is just an isolated case in Yuzhou. Zhang Xingying's claim that there are spies in all the grain transportation offices in the Great Feng is utterly groundless." The Secretary of the Ministry of Industry echoed, "Zhang Xingying's statement lacks evidence and is unconvincing. We should only investigate the Yuzhou Grain Transportation Office." Several other officials also stepped forward to agree, making it clear they did not want to investigate the grain transportation offices. The term "grain transportation" has always been troublesome, involving too many interest groups from the capital to local areas, from the court to the rivers and lakes, with too many people entangled in it. Emperor Yuanjing looked at the current Prime Minister, "What do you think, Lord Wang?" The Prime Minister bowed, "Your Majesty, I believe need only thoroughly investigate the grain transportation in Yuzhou." "Wei Yuan, what is your opinion?" Emperor Yuanjing looked at the man in the dark blue robe. "I agree with the Prime Minister," Wei Yuan replied. The officials withdrew their gaze from Wei Yuan. Prime Minister Wang glanced at Wei Yuan, feeling a mix of tacit understanding and disappointment. During this critical period of official evaluation, anyone who proposed a thorough investigation of the grain transportation offices would be committing political suicide. Neither of the two old rivals would make such a basic mistake, but both hoped the other would. Emperor Yuanjing nodded, his expression deep and unreadable. He continued: “The Administration in Qingzhou sent back a letter. Yang Gong has erected admonitory stele in all the major offices in Qingzhou. The inscription reads: '*Your food and your money, flesh and blood of the people. The people are easy to abuse, the heavens are hard to cheat.*' “The Administration in Qingzhou believes this poem is a powerful warning to officials and suggests that the court order all provinces to follow suit and erect similar admonitory tablets. "What do my lords think?" In the imperial study, the officials stirred, murmuring among themselves. “What a splendid poem, what a splendid poem!” An enthusiastic censor stepped forward and exclaimed, “This poem is simply a stroke of genius, beyond words. This is the kind of poem that represents the grandeur of the Great Feng, not some ‘subtle fragrance drifts with the rising moon at dusk.’ or ‘His dream laden boat sailing atop the Milky way.’ “Your servant filled with fervour and respectfully request that Your Majesty order the various provinces to follow suit and erect admonitory stele in all major offices.” This proposal was met with widespread support from the officials present. It did not involve any interest disputes or factional conflicts, making the officials more willing to speak up and express their opinions freely. However, not everyone agreed. Some were reluctant to see Yang Gong gain fame, especially since this Administrator of Qingzhou was a scholar from the Cloud Deer Academy. But more people hoped the court would proceed with this. Such an action, when the news spread, would greatly enhance the court's image in the eyes of the people, garnering much positive sentiment. This aligned with the scholars’ penchant for reputation. In recent years, there had been relentless criticism from the populace, from commoners to the gentry. Erecting admonitory stele could help restore some of the court’s reputation. Prime Minister Wang stepped forward, “I propose we follow the example of the Qingzhou Administration Commission.” Emperor Yuanjing shared this sentiment. Although he practiced cultivation, neglected governance, and amassed wealth without restraint, he considered himself a good emperor. “Yang Gong's reputation as a great scholar is well-deserved. This poem, created during my reign, will be recorded in history. Not only will I order the erection of admonitory tablets in provincial offices, but I will also personally inscribe it and have it reproduced from my handwriting,” Emperor Yuanjing said with a smile. “Yang Gong was a top scholar in his year during the imperial examination, excelling in poetry,” Prime Minister Wang added with a smile. Only Wei Yuan seemed puzzled for a moment. *‘Your food and your money, flesh and blood of the people. The people are easy to abuse, the heavens are hard to cheat.’... Wasn’t this the poem Xu Qi'an wrote during his trial at the Conscience Test?* *How did it become attributed to Yang Gong?* *Or perhaps, was it originally Yang Gong’s poem, and Xu Qi'an learned it from his cousin Xu Xinnian?* Wei Yuan quickly dismissed this notion. In terms of poetic talent, a hundred Yang Gongs couldn’t match one Xu Qi'an. This poem had only recently appeared. The inspector’s team traveled south and would have passed through Qingzhou. This means Xu Qi'an returned to Qingzhou, and the poem originated there. Understanding this, Wei Yuan frowned, puzzled, *This poem was written by Xu Qi'an. Why did His Majesty overlook it just now? Was it intentional, or did the Qingzhou Administration deliberately omit Xu Qi'an’s name?* *The memorial was sent back to the capital by the Qingzhou Administration. Such documents are usually drafted by clerks since the Administrator couldn’t attend to everything personally. It’s possible a clerk, trying to curry favor with the Administrator, deliberately omitted the original author’s name… Later, they could easily claim it was a drafting oversight.* *Once this matter is settled, Yang Gong’s fame will spread with this poem. Even if Yang Gong clarifies later, whether the correction reaches everyone and its impact remain uncertain.* *The literary reputation rightfully belonging to Xu Qi'an can’t be taken away… He’s too conspicuous, still too young.* Wei Yuan sighed inwardly, stepped forward, and said loudly: “Your Majesty, your servant has a point of order!”