

# 202. Seduction 【TWO: Anything else?】 Perhaps because it pertained to Number Three's identity, the members of the Heaven and Earth Society tacitly ignored the crucial information about "the younger cousin being a student of the Cloud Deer Academy." *You all staying silent like this is making me feel guilty...* Xu Qi'an waited a bit, hoping Number Five would "expose" him, thus confirming the attitudes of the Heaven and Earth Society members. But even Number Five, surprisingly, remained silent. *...Well, Number Five is just a child, don't expect too much from her.* While Xu Qi'an was pondering, Number One answered Number Two's question: 【ONE: This person is highly trusted and valued by Wei Yuan.】 *Highly trusted and valued by Wei Yuan...* This brief sentence caused an uproar among the members of the Heaven and Earth Society. Wei Yuan's name was not only known throughout the Great Feng, but also carried significant weight across Jiuzhou. Aside from his lack of cultivation, Wei Yuan was considered an all-rounder. Of course, his skills in calligraphy, painting, and other arts were merely embellishments. What made Wei Yuan truly renowned was his unparalleled talent in commanding troops and waging war. Originally a eunuch in the palace, Wei Yuan was recognized for his exceptional go skills, which won the appreciation of Emperor Yuanjing, leading to his promotion. In the sixth year of Yuanjing, the old general Dugu, who guarded the northern front, passed away. The three major barbarian tribes gathered an army of sixty thousand to invade the border, ravaging three thousand miles of territory within half a month, leaving devastation and countless corpses in their wake. The court urgently mobilized troops to contain the barbarian forces, but the situation remained dire. At that time, the future Zhenbei King was a prince just emerging from the masses. During this critical period, when Emperor Yuanjing was deeply troubled, Wei Yuan volunteered to lead the troops. He vowed that if he couldn't expel the barbarians within three months, he would take his own life as an apology. The young Emperor Yuanjing, showing great resolve, immediately appointed Wei Yuan as Deputy Minister of War and Left Governor, commanding five armies. Wei Yuan did not disappoint. Within a month and a half, he had launched such a devastating counterattack that the barbarians were fleeing at the sound of his troops, with only five thousand or so survivors managing to retreat to the north. This tale of loyalty and prowess was still often recounted with great relish. Wei Yuan's military achievements did not end there. His most famous feat was the War of Shanhai nineteen years ago. At that time, the Zhenbei King was already a renowned master, yet he still served as Wei Yuan's weapon, driven to slay enemies. The commander of the three armies remained the fearsome eunuch known throughout the world. Shanhai Pass, located on the border with the Western Regions, saw the northern barbarians moving south and the southern tribes moving north, clashing with the Great Feng and the Buddhist coalition forces in a fierce battle. Over half a year, a million lives were lost, marking one of the most brutal wars recorded in history. Serving as the Left Governor of Great Feng, Wei Yuan once again demonstrated his unparalleled command skills to the world. "I am so foolish, truly. I still underestimated this Xu Qi'an..." At this moment, Number Two Li Miaozhen had already removed her light armour and was sitting cross-legged on her embroidered bed in a white inner garment, murmuring to herself. *...If I am not mistaken, the reason for the surge of pure energy at Cloud Deer Academy lies with Number Three, who is very likely Xu Qi'an's younger cousin... Xu Qi'an himself is highly valued by Wei Yuan... This, this... In a few years, the capital will see the rise of a prominent family...* Number Four felt a mix of emotions. Having been away from the capital for many years, there was a sense of melancholy over the changes. Once everyone had digested this news, Number One continued: 【ONE: His weakness is obvious—he is lustful! This person often frequents the Jiaofangsi in the capital and has had affairs with many Oirans. Number Two, if you want to deal with him, you might as well use a honey trap.】 *I am not, I am not lustful, don't slander me...* Xu Qi'an first denied it vehemently, refusing to admit he was a lecher. Then, feeling slightly guilty, he defended himself in his mind: *My visits to the Jiaofangsi were not out of lust; I just wanted to flood my brain with dopamine to fill my empty soul.* *Number One is truly hateful, not only selling my information without permission but also tarnishing my character... Hmm, he (or she) is acting a bit out of character, not like usual...* Xu Qi'an thought, almost penning a defence for "Xu Qi'an," but then realized, Xu Qi'an being a lecher has nothing to do with me as Number Three. I can still engage in online romances, still flirt with Number Two and Number Five. Of course, Number Two's beauty is already vouched for by me, an experienced veteran from Guangdong B. Worth flirting with. Number Five is yet to be confirmed. 【TWO: Ha, there's no need to probe, I haven't hidden my gender. However, seduction is a viable tactic. I happen to have a stunningly beautiful demon at hand.】 As she transmitted this message, Number Two recalled Xu Qi'an's deep dark circles and, combined with Number One's words, almost certainly confirmed him to be a seasoned lecher. *...There is a major flaw in his character. Despite his intelligence, men often let their lower bodies rule over their brains!* Number Two's lips curled into a smile. *...Ha, Number One clearly doesn't understand me.* Xu Qi'an didn't consider himself a lecher; he just enjoyed sleeping with beautiful women, and he wasn't indulgent. Just then, Number Four suddenly transmitted a message with a sigh: 【FOUR: Xu Qi'an is a deeply cunning person, adept at hiding his true intentions. A honey trap might not work on him.】 This immediately caught the attention of the Heaven and Earth Society members. 【TWO: How so?】 【FOUR: If what Number One said is true, then despite Xu Qi'an's outstanding abilities, he willingly remained an ordinary bailiff for years, keeping a low profile. It wasn't until the tax silver case threatened his safety that he acted decisively and efficiently. 【Following that, he joined the Nightwatchers, solving numerous high-profile cases and gaining achievements. His performance was completely different from when he was just a bailiff... Ha, he was probably waiting for this opportunity all along. Joining the Nightwatchers was his stage to showcase his ambitions and rise to prominence.】 *...So that's how I think? I'm a deeply cunning person? Why didn't I realize it myself? Number Four's interpretation is international-level...* Xu Qi'an almost covered his face. 【TWO: Makes sense.】 The members all agreed and recognized Number Four's analysis, making Xu Qi'an's image even more vivid and clear in their minds. 【SIX: Xu Qi'an is a good person. As a humble monk, I hope nothing happens to him in Yunzhou. Number Two, please don't harm him or let the Yunzhou Inspector General harm him.】 After a long silence, Number Six suddenly sent a message. Number Two, who had a decent relationship with Number Six, puzzledly replied: 【TWO: Do you have some connection with him as well?】 【SIX: I met him during the Sangpo case. After he learned about the Welfare House, he lent me over forty taels of silver and promised to give me three cash of silver daily without charge. When he left the capital, he had someone send me twenty taels of silver.】 At this moment, everyone couldn't help but feel the complexity of human nature. Such a person turned out to be a lecher. 【TWO: I understand. I'll do my best to ensure his safety.】 【SIX: Thank you.】 There was silence for a long while, and just when Xu Qi'an thought the ill-mannered group members had gone offline again, Number Five sent a message: 【FIVE: Hey, Number Three, are you still serious about packaging and delivering the Great Feng Princess and the National Teacher?】 "???" Xu Qi'an stared at the message, stunned for a long time, thinking, *Of course not, can't you tell I was just bragging?* 【THREE: Heh, talk to me again when I become a top-rank master.】 【FIVE: Hmph, I knew you were lying. My big brother has been pestering me these days, asking for information about the Great Feng’s Princess and even questioning who is more beautiful, the Princess or the National Teacher.】 Given that it was this topic, Xu Qi'an was willing to chat a bit longer and sent a message: 【THREE: There are four Princesses in Feng. The eldest, Princess Huaiqing, and the second, Princess Lin'an, are top-notch beauties. As for the National Teacher... I don't know. I've only heard her name but haven't seen her in person.】 After some thought, he believed that the students of the Cloud Deer Academy would not have seen National Teacher Luo Yuheng. 【FOUR: The National Teacher is naturally very beautiful. I believe she surpasses the two princesses. Any man who has seen her would be enchanted by her beauty.】 【FIVE: Oh, your Great Feng National Teacher is just a seductive fox.】 【FOUR: Bullshit!】 【FIVE: She *is* a seductive fox.】 【FOUR: ...You might have a point, but it’s not because of the National Teacher herself; it’s due to the secrets of the Human Sect. I can’t say much more.】 【TWO: Ha, what's there to hide? The Human Sect, as the name implies, has a deep connection with the worldly qi of the human realm. When one reaches a certain level of cultivation, they become entangled with the seven emotions and six desires, which is why Luo Yuheng can unconsciously evoke men's desires. 【The previous leader of the Human Sect had the chance to reach first rank. He moved the Lingbao Temple to the capital to use the human realm's qi to achieve this, but the Jianzheng disagreed. Thus, he fell, unable to succeed in his tribulation. 【When it came to his daughter, Luo Yuheng, well Emperor Yuanjing just so happened to be obsessed with cultivation, and she was the definition of femininity. If she were to just practice dual cultivation, given time, reaching first rank wouldn’t be difficult.】 【THREE: But I remember Jinlian Daozhang saying that Luo Yuheng did not engage in dual cultivation with Emperor Yuanjing.】 Xu Qi'an wished he could @Daoist Jinlian to verify that Luo Yuheng was still a virgin. Jinlian Daozhang might have been out hunting rats in the middle of the night, so he didn't respond. Instead, Number Four jumped in to clarify: 【FOUR: Indeed, the National Teacher has not engaged in dual cultivation with Emperor Yuanjing, for unknown reasons.】 *Number Four used to be an official and had connections with the National Teacher, so it wasn’t surprising he knew this. But how did Number Two know so much?* Xu Qi'an hesitated for a long time but didn't ask this question in the group chat. This matter clearly touched on Number Two's identity, which was a sensitive issue for the members of the Heaven and Earth Society. Number Two might not answer. Even if she did, she might demand an equal exchange. Since he was currently in Yunzhou and would inevitably interact with Number Two because of Yang Chuannan's case, he could subtly probe then. No need to "pay" extra now. After some thought, Xu Qi'an decided to say something and sent a message: 【THREE: Given Xu Qi'an's intelligence and cunning, even though he's new to Yunzhou, he's likely made significant progress. Number Two, if you plan to use a honey trap, do it quickly.】 This was a friendly reminder out of concern for his fellow group members, not because Xu Qi'an himself was particularly fond of beauty. Number Two did not respond to him. The Earth Book chat group fell into a dead silence, and no one continued the conversation. Xu Qi'an put away the jade mirror, planning to meditate and cultivate to refresh his spirit. He decided to set aside the matter of decoding Zhou Min's legacy for now. The next morning, Inspector Zhang led Jiang Lyuzhong and a group of Nightwatchers out of the station to investigate the conditions in Yunzhou. Perhaps they would also visit neighbouring prefectures and counties, taking Governor Song with them. Noticing Xu Qi'an's unmistakable dark circles and the fatigue in his eyes, Inspector Zhang considerately allowed him to stay at the station to rest well but reminded him to work on cracking Zhou Min's clues. *Though being treated as a tool isn't pleasant, staying at the posthouse suits me just fine... When a person is extremely exhausted, going out is really annoying... Why haven't I reached my mental limit yet? I just want to sleep...* Xu Qi'an thought, rubbing his temples while eating breakfast. Besides him, fewer than five Nightwatchers remained on duty, but thirty Huben Guards were left behind. Yawning, Song Tingfeng came downstairs, without his bronze gong or standard long sword, and looked around, "Why is it so quiet today? Where is everyone?" Xu Qi'an, eating his spicy and sour noodles, replied without looking up, "The Inspector went out to investigate the people's conditions, and the others went along." Song Tingfeng's eyes lit up, "I have a bold idea..." Xu Qi'an immediately interrupted, "Put away your bold idea. The Inspector has a strict set of punishments." "Psh, you’re no fun!" Song Tingfeng sat down at the table and ordered breakfast, sighing, "It's been half a week since we've been with any women." "That's you. I haven't been with a woman for eighteen days... I am a bit hungry." Xu Qi'an sighed as well. "Then eat more," Song Tingfeng glanced at the oily noodles. *Old Song still lacks tact..*. Ignoring him, Xu Qi'an continued to fill his stomach. After a few minutes, Zhu Guangxiao also came downstairs. "Guangxiao, let's go to Jiaofangsi later," Song Tingfeng suggested to his colleague. "Alright, alright... Stop pestering me like a little wife. We can wander around the city, but we can't go to Jiaofangsi. rules are rules," Xu Qi'an said irritably. "Is there any way to circumvent the rules?" Song Tingfeng joked. "Yes," Xu Qi'an looked at him, "I suggest you resign." *Resigning was something he had done in his previous life, but while working at the police bureau, he was quite disciplined. Otherwise, he wouldn't have resigned over a line in Ji Xianlin's diary instead of...* After breakfast, the three of them changed into casual clothes and left the posthouse. ... "See that? The one who looks like he's been drained by debauchery. Your task is to seduce him." On the street, in a teahouse, standing in a second-floor private room, Li Miaozhen, also in inconspicuous casual clothes, looked at the three men leisurely strolling not far away. Next to her was a seductive woman dressed in an exquisite dress, her hair cascading like a waterfall, adorned with beautiful jewelry. The woman had a gentle face, delicate skin, eyes as bright as black pearls, and her small mouth was painted with vibrant red lipstick. She had a graceful figure, exuding charm and allure. "And after seducing him?" The alluring woman laughed softly, eyeing the "time assassin" as if scrutinizing prey. "Get close to him, monitor his every move, and subtly probe his findings," Li Miaozhen instructed, adding a warning: "But don't drain his energy. His body is likely severely weakened and can't withstand your extraction." They weren't worried about the demon's true form being exposed. Coarse martial artists lacked demon-controlling abilities and were insensitive to yin energy. This demon hadn't been exposed when she seduced Zhou Chixiong, a Refining Spirit martial artist in the mountain stronghold. As long as they didn't show hostility and trigger a Refining Spirit martial artist's spiritual sense, there was no risk of exposure. "Master, I'll be off then!" The demon smiled charmingly and swayed her hips as she left.