

# 199. Feasts and Loquats *A banquet? Hmm, the local officials in Yunzhou must be aware of Inspector Zhang’s presence since he’s been in town for so long…* Xu Qi’an’s spirit lifted slightly. Since he couldn’t sleep anyway and staying at the station was boring, he said, “Alright, sir, please wait a moment.” He put on his boots, tied the Bronze Gong to his chest, hung the black-gold long sabre on his waist, and opened the door. Inspector Zhang was standing outside, wearing a scarlet official robe, with a straight posture and an imposing presence. They nodded to each other, descended the stairs together, and waited in the hall for a moment before Jiang Lyuzhong walked in from the courtyard and said, “Personnel check complete. Let’s go.” A luxurious carriage was parked outside the inn, accompanied by thirty Huben Guard soldiers and seven Nightwatchers. The location of tonight’s banquet was a large riverside courtyard. This mansion, used by the Provincial Administration to entertain officials, was a grand four-courtyard residence. Tonight, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, with no wind. Though it was deep winter, it was suitable for holding a banquet in the rear garden. As the centrepiece and guest of the banquet, Inspector Zhang deliberately arrived a quarter of an hour late. This was both to assert his authority and to give the guests ample time to prepare. Arriving at the mansion’s entrance, they saw various carriages and sedans, ranging from luxurious to simple, representing officials of different ranks. Led by a servant, Inspector Zhang and his party entered the front hall, where they saw Yunzhou officials in various coloured official robes, over a hundred in total. Among them was the Yunzhou prefect Xu Qi’an had met earlier that day. “Inspector Zhang.” Amid hearty laughter, an official in a scarlet robe with a long beard came forward. “Provincial Administrator.” Inspector Zhang smiled and cupped his hands. *Provincial Administrator… quite a high-ranking official…* Xu Qi’an scrutinized the Yunzhou Provincial Administrator. He had slightly high cheekbones and narrow eyes that turned into slits when he smiled, giving him a shrewd and calculating appearance. *Could he be Song Tingfeng’s long-lost father? If I remember correctly, this Provincial Administrator’s surname is also Song…* Xu Qi’an thought with a smirk. Administrator Song led Inspector Zhang around to introduce him, with Xu Qi’an memorizing all the officials present. “This is our Yunzhou Military Commander Yang.” Administrator Song brought them before a middle-aged man with a scholarly and military demeanour. The surrounding chatter quieted significantly as everyone’s eyes fell on Inspector Zhang and Commander Yang Chuannan. The two high-ranking officials sized each other up for a moment, then burst into laughter: “Commander Yang, it’s an honour to meet you.” “The honour’s mine, Inspector General Zhang.” The atmosphere instantly lightened, and the officials’ faces broke into smiles. *…Why do I have a sense of tension? For a moment, Xu Qi’an thought the scene would become awkward, with veiled sarcasm exchanged, fitting the image of scheming officials.* But the result was so harmonious? “Inspector Zhang, the banquet is ready. Shall we proceed to the rear courtyard?” Provincial Administrator Song immediately suggested. In a province, the highest-ranking offices were the Military Commission, the Provincial Administration, and the Judicial Investigation Office. Among them, the Judicial Investigation Office was under the Censorate, making the Chief Inspector seem like merely a common henchman before Inspector Zhang. In the rear courtyard, the officials took their seats. Two interesting episodes occurred at the main table. The first episode: Inspector Zhang waved and said, “Ningyan, come sit by me.” The main table had ten seats, each one fixed and specific in official circles. Who could sit there followed strict rules. Everyone’s attention turned to the young man called “Ningyan.” He wore a dark uniform with a short cape, a Bronze Gong tied to his chest, and a unique, slender battle sabre at his waist, different from the standard issued ones. Sharp-eyed officials could tell just by the sabre that this Bronze Gong was no ordinary person. Many officials took note of Xu Qi’an. The second episode: Commander Yang Chuannan stopped an official about to sit down and pointed to the seat beside him, saying, “A friend is coming.” The official was momentarily stunned, then seemed to realize something, smacked his forehead in understanding, and moved to another table without complaint. *…A friend, not a certain high-ranking official, but a friend?* Xu Qi’an thought, sitting upright. “Ningyan, about that riddle we discussed earlier…” Inspector Zhang said quietly. “Inspector Zhang!” Xu Qi’an replied seriously, “It’s actually quite simple. You just need to change your perspective.” “How so?” “You’re just too upright.” As a Supervising Censor, Inspector Zhang had a reputation for integrity in the capital’s official circles, naturally holding a lofty status. If it were a more experienced and cunning official, they would have figured it out instantly. Inspector Zhang was about to speak when he noticed out of the corner of his eye a young female general clad in light armor entering. She had a tall figure, her proportions perfect, and her hair tied up in a high ponytail. *Such a beautiful and dashing female warrior…* Xu Qi’an's eyes lit up. Could it be that Yunzhou has such a top-tier beauty among its female soliders? This outfit was far more enticing than any schoolgirl, black silk, nurse, or flight attendant costume — in a league of its own. The beautiful female solider walked straight to the main table and sat next to Commander Yang Chuannan. Inspector Zhang scrutinized her, running through the list of officials in Yunzhou in his mind, but couldn’t match her to anyone. "And this is…?" he asked curiously. Yang Chuannan laughed and said, "Everyone may not have heard of Lady Flying Swallow. She is Li Miaozhen, a roaming general I hired. Over the past year, she has been eradicating bandits and has achieved numerous merits. If we were to discuss rewards based on merit, I’d have to relinquish my position as Commander." His words prompted a round of approval and praise for the female general from the officials. Inspector Zhang merely nodded. *A roving general hired by Yang Chuannan... which means she isn’t officially part of the court’s military…* Xu Qi’an thought as he studied the beautiful female warrior. *Number Two is also in Yunzhou, and she is keen on eradicating bandits and criticizing Emperor Yuanjing… She mentioned she isn’t part of the court… I once praised her for her righteous heart, and this dashing young lady is called Lady Flying Swallow… Lady Flying Swallow…* *During our conversations on the Grand Canal, Number Two supported Yang Chuannan and seemed close to him… Could she be Number Two?* Xu Qi’an sipped his tea without revealing his thoughts. No rush, I’ll slowly find an opportunity to probe. *In the Earth Book chat group, it's now confirmed that Number Five and Number Two are both women. Number Two has impressive looks and the allure of a uniform… I wonder how Number Five looks… a wild girl from the southern border.* Two rows of dancers in colorful clothes with exposed shoulders entered, dancing gracefully to the accompaniment of musicians. Yunzhou didn’t have a Ziyang Jushi, so everyone ignored Xu Qi’an, keeping the conversation focused on the capital and Inspector Zhang. Sigh, official banquets are truly dull and a waste of time. Li Miaozhen discreetly observed Inspector Zhang’s group, focusing mainly on Jiang Lyuzhong, knowing he was a Gold Gong, a fourth-rank martial artist. What he was skilled in, his personality, she had no idea. *Although he’s not young, his vitality seems to be at its peak…* She wondered what weapon he was proficient with and what "intent" he had cultivated. *Hmm, I’ll ask Number Three after the banquet.* Li Miaozhen took a sip of wine and then started observing Xu Qi’an: *His aura is restrained, I can’t make out his level, but the body of a Copper Skin and Iron Bones martial artist occasionally flickers with divine light, which this person does not have, so he must be at most Refining Spirit…* *His eyes can’t hide his fatigue, with swollen eye bags, looking like someone exhausted from indulgence… This person must be either a relative of a significant figure in the Nightwatchers or a relative of Inspector Zhang. I heard Yang Chuannan say that the Censorate is under Wei Yuan, so it makes sense for Inspector Zhang to place his relative in the Nightwatchers...* The banquet proceeded harmoniously towards its end, with servants bringing in plates of dark-colored loquats, plump and large. *Loquats in this season?* Xu Qi’an picked up a not-so-fresh loquat, peeled it, tasted it, finding it sweet and sour, quite delicious. Most importantly, it was seedless. “Inspector Zhang, you must try these loquats from Yunzhou, they are exceptional. They ripen in late spring and early summer, something you won’t find so fresh in the capital. “After they ripen, they are stored in ice cellars, with any spoiled ones removed every ten days. By now, there are very few left.” Song Changfu, the Provincial Administrator, enthusiastically grabbed a few and placed them in front of Inspector Zhang. Inspector Zhang ate one and widened his eyes in surprise, “They are seedless?” Administrator Song smiled without answering, while the other officials laughed. Inspector Zhang was quite astonished. This was his first time eating seedless loquats, and the experience was simply too delightful. Incredulous, he remarked: "To think there are seedless loquats in the world—remarkable, truly remarkable." *If you ever eat seedless watermelons, you'll probably be moved to tears,* Xu Qi'an thought to himself. "Are these seedless loquats a special variety from Yunzhou? How come I've never heard of them before?" Inspector Zhang asked. "Not at all. It’s because the loquat trees have been blessed with the incense aura of Baidi Temple, hence producing seedless loquats," Provincial Administrator Song said with a smile. "Yes, indeed. It’s an auspicious sign for Yunzhou." "Yunzhou is a land naturally endowed, under the White Emperor's protection, with favourable weather and abundant harvests." The officials immediately began praising Yunzhou, trying to instil the idea that Yunzhou was a land of auspicious signs, united in their flattery. Inspector Zhang fell into contemplation. He could sense that there was more to this but couldn’t discern the mystery behind the seedless loquats. Cautiously, he refrained from contradicting them. Administrator Song peeled another loquat and handed it over, smiling as he asked, "Inspector Zhang, don’t you agree?" ...Inspector Zhang sighed inwardly, "What you say, Lord Song, is..." "Lord Song is mistaken," Xu Qi'an suddenly interjected. Officials at the main table and other tables looked over, staring at Xu Qi'an. Li Miaozhen, who was quietly eating, felt a bit disdainful. She knew the real reason but chose not to expose Provincial Administrator Song due to her current alliance with Yunzhou’s officialdom. She lifted her head, focusing on Xu Qi'an, curious about what he would say next. Provincial Administrator Song frowned slightly, looking at the Bronze Gong he had nearly ignored, his smile unwavering. "And what advice might you have, sir?" Xu Qi'an set down his wine cup, slowly chewed and swallowed his food, then picked up a loquat and smiled: "The principle is actually simple. During the flowering period of the loquat, if you pluck out the central filament of the flower, the resulting loquat will be seedless. "Lord Song, am I correct?" The room fell silent, with Yunzhou officials around the table looking stiffly at him. Provincial Administrator Song's expression suddenly froze.